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Bowling Alley Added To Improve Moviegoing Experience

Doily Allergen

spareme bowling alley

SpareMe is a 12 lane bowling alley that was recently opened in the Chauncey Hotel downtown. The Chauncey is also home to a three-screen theater, FilmScene. Many in the Iowa City community are glad for the bowling alley’s addition to the hotel, as it combines two of humanity’s favorite pastimes under one roof. Additionally, customers have praised the inclusion of SpareMe, saying it enhances the movie-going experience.

Scott Thomas, local movie goer and one-time PBA tournament participant, loves the incorporation.

“I’m beyond excited that another bowling alley has been added to this city, especially in Chauncey. Now, I can watch war movies and feel like the bombs are actually going off in the same building I’m in,” says Thomas. “And when I get scared, I can focus on the sounds of drunk middle aged men yelling gleefully because they just picked up the ten-pin. It distracts my mind and I don’t even think about how scared I am.”

Another frequent movie goer, Denise Dore, had more positive comments to add.

“The other day I was at FilmScene watching a rerun of Midsommar, and I knew I was going to cry during it. I always cry when the old people fall off the cliff to their deaths, though during that part I happened to hear a man screaming, ‘YES GODDAMNIT! YES! SUCK MY DICK MARK! THAT’S A FUCKING TURKEY YOU DIRTY FUCKING WORM!’ from the other room, and it cheered me up,” said Dore. “He prevented me from embarrassing myself in the theater; he’s a modern day hero and he doesn’t even know it.”

Margaret O’Rourke, the owner of the Chauncey Hotel, mentioned the possible construction of a hockey rink, as well. She figured that if customers loved the loudness of the bowling alley and the distractions they provided, they would absolutely love a hockey rink.

“The concept is still in the early stages of development,” said O’Rourke about the new construction. “Afterall, the movie theater experience could only be so good.”


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