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Counselor Zach Hickman Wondering What To Do After Time At UI

uiowa room

Former English department advisor Zach Hickman was recently spotted in the waiting room of the Pomeranz Career Center before an appointment with Garry Klein about what to do after his short career at the University of Iowa. The former UI employee is hoping to get advice before the Dean finds out he’s using campus resources without paying tuition.

Wearing his signature rumpled button-up, Hickman brandishes an unimpressive resume including an MFA in poetry, a marketing internship with Cirque Du Soleil, conversational Spanish, and advising students to talk to Kate Torno about their problems. He thinks that the Pomeranz Center can help brush it up so he’s ready for an interview for a freelance copyediting job. If he lands the gig, he’ll follow his dream of making money while being a full-time groupie for one of his favorite bands from college.

“I think he can find a good internship opportunity at the Exploring Creative Careers Fair on March 6th. He just needs to do two things; lean into his top five skills, especially Woo and get some good references.” Says Garry Klein, advisor for the arts focus, “The University won’t give him one, but that’s where being creative comes in.”

The Creative Careers Fair might be his last shot before he’s spotted and subsequently kicked off campus. At the Job and Internship Fair at the IMU last Wednesday, Hickman was unsuccessful in landing an interview at the one booth who would interview fairgoers other than 22-year-old computer scientists. He should have known that he couldn’t ask for a living wage as a starting salary.

When asked to comment on his future plans Zach was pensive,

“I think I can finally leave my college days behind me. As I told my advisees, you never know where life is going to take you after you leave here. And there’s so many opportunities out there. Pretty sure I was a little stoned when I said that, but that’s when I do my best thinking. I just hope my opportunity comes soon so I can get in my van and meet the group out for their gig in Colorado next month.”

He returns to an abandoned office of the fifth floor of the EPB to comb Indeed for more entry level positions that will accept him with only ten years of industry experience instead of fifty.


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