- Doily Allergen
The Doily-er Allergen: Episode 5
Now you can listen to our articles on the go, in the form a twenty-ish minute radio broadcast once a month. Tune in on our website, YouTube, or KRUI’s Soundcloud for new articles, expanded old articles, and recurring segments. True crime, global events, university news, and everyday Iowa City bullshit: we’re here to walk you through it all. Plus, stick around for a fond farewell to our award-winning* host, Phillip Charles Edward Stanley-Michaels, who will be sent to a farm upstate.
Table Of Contents:
00:00 Introduction
01:52 Old Capitol To Be Torn Down To Build Luxury Apartments
03:35 University Consults Very Wise Owl To Determine Final Exam Schedule
05:55 Ad Break
09:47 North Lie-berty Conclusion: Abort! Abort!
11:14 University Celebrates Easter By Dressing Herky Costume In Bunny Costume
15:01 Conclusion, and the Retirement of Phillip Charles Edward Stanley Michaels